10 Ways you know it's time to get some sleep...
Sleep: 6hours.
Awake: 82hours.
(this week, so far, no further?)
Why? Because I think I can.......
- Everyone around you has changed clothes twice, but you think it is Monday, still.
- Your 25 simultaneous projects are down to a cycle of 2 seconds per project. (It starts at about 2 useful hours per project)
- The only way you can accurately tell time and day is with a 24hour clock that displays the date.
- The Gray shapes that appeared 48 hours ago, wandering across your peripheral vision, now all have names, and are close friends.
- You keep on hearing your name being called, but you ignore it because those grey people never get to the point.
- Every shape has to be confirmed for what it really is – by walking into it.
- Sleep seems more attractive than another life-defining experience.
- You say – “that can wait until tomorrow”
- Speed freaks and tweakers start asking for your autograph. You develop a cult following, with odds on you making the next 2 hours in the local press.
- Youuuuu staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakrt toooanlzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzz z z zzzzzzzzz zzz
What really happens:
- http://health.ucsd.edu/news/2000_02_09_Sleep.html
- http://www.drgreene.com/21_621.html
- http://www.bma.org.uk/ap.nsf/Content/sleepdeprivation
- http://www.sleepquest.com/n_latest.html
XTC, this is for you, baby.

Starting to suffer from withdrawal ....
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