Goodbye Gran...
I had just said to someone that at least I had not had to endure a death over the last year. Spoke too soon. My grandmother died over the weekend - she was very old, and I had not seen her for a while, which was a conscious decision, so I won't beat myself up over that! I am just glad that my daughter got to meet her.
I was trying to think of what memories I had of her, and I walked into my daughters room and she was watching "Willy Wonker and the Chocolate Factory" on DVD with Gene Wylder. Then I remembered as clearly as yesterday, my Gran had taken me to see this film when I was 7! How the circle turns!
I might put down some of the memories, if relevant. Need to decide whether to attend the funeral or not.

Thank you for the advice gained from your experience. I would normally agree with you but this funeral would have a bazaar cast. My presence would be a crutch for some, weapon for others and a massive drain on my energy levels. So would my absence. I will consider this carefully and, certainly, I will Blog it. Thank you again.
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