The Editor should be Shot - World's Worst Headline
The other day I spotted an absolute gem on the 20th of February front page of the Sunday Independant (South Africa). It read "Study casts doubt on African potato Aids remedy " WHAT WAS THE ALTERNATIVE! "Potato's cure aids!" I think not... This reminded me of this terrifying piece of journalism:
A few years ago in Cape Town, there was a terrible massacre in a gay massage parlour in Sea Point. The house of gay repute was called "SIZZLERS", hence, this became the "Sizzlers Massacre". All the employees and customers were shot, execution style, in the back of the head. There was only one survivor, who was not in good condition. He pulled through, and was called on to attend an identity parade. The headline in the Argus of 5 March 2003, read, I kid you not:
"Sizzler's Survivor Fingers Two Men."
My e-mail to the Editor was:
"I am glad to see that the sole Sizzler's survivor has recovered sufficiently to resume his trade of choice. Either this is the ultimate in Bad Journalism, or Bad Taste."
I got no response.
A few years ago in Cape Town, there was a terrible massacre in a gay massage parlour in Sea Point. The house of gay repute was called "SIZZLERS", hence, this became the "Sizzlers Massacre". All the employees and customers were shot, execution style, in the back of the head. There was only one survivor, who was not in good condition. He pulled through, and was called on to attend an identity parade. The headline in the Argus of 5 March 2003, read, I kid you not:
"Sizzler's Survivor Fingers Two Men."
My e-mail to the Editor was:
"I am glad to see that the sole Sizzler's survivor has recovered sufficiently to resume his trade of choice. Either this is the ultimate in Bad Journalism, or Bad Taste."
I got no response.

So spuds don't cure aids then... Who'd a thunk it
Enjoyed a lot! » » »
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